What Type of Sprinkler System is Best for My Business?


As a protective measure employed by persons to safeguard themselves when the unforeseen incidence of fire arises and leaves us jaded on what to do, sprinkler systems are one of the most integral components that is installed in a building. This is one of the systems that any business expert should brood on installing in his building, not just for commercial usage, but it could also be used at home too. A sprinkler system is one of the facilities that are critically needed for your business during the course of making your plans and design. We will divulge in detail, a [...]

What Type of Sprinkler System is Best for My Business?2019-08-14T11:35:21-04:00

How You Can Prevent Employee Theft in Your Business


Sadly, employee theft is a huge problem for many businesses. In fact, around 75% of employees admit to stealing from their workplace in the United States. This theft has cost United States businesses around $50 billion. Thankfully, there are some solutions you can use to stop employee theft, so let’s look at some of them. One of the biggest things you can do is set-up video cameras around cash registers and storerooms. This will make these areas more secure and it will help you recognize when people are stealing from your business or making false entries into the system. It will [...]

How You Can Prevent Employee Theft in Your Business2019-08-14T11:35:03-04:00

Preventing Worker Fatigue


When it comes to responsible employee management, caring for your employee’s needs is just as important for you as it is for them. After all, an employee whose basic well-being is left uncared for will not only be unhappy – they’ll also be far less willing, and able, to work efficiently. Not to mention the matter of legal issues. In other words, preventing worker fatigue is important not just for your workers, but for your business as a whole. Below, we’ve gathered a few tips for doing so. Keep a close eye on shifts If your employees work in shifts, keep [...]

Preventing Worker Fatigue2019-08-14T11:34:46-04:00

What Type Of Digital Access Lock Is Best For My Facility?


One of the best things that your business can do is invest in its security. Sadly, without a good way of securing your property, thieves can gain access. Once inside, they can steal thousands of dollars worth of stock or damage your property. A digital access lock can prevent this from happening. We’ll look at some of the benefits that these devices offer and how you can make sure to choose the best one for your needs. Let’s start by examining the benefits that you can get from installing a digital access lock. One of the biggest benefits is that you [...]

What Type Of Digital Access Lock Is Best For My Facility?2019-08-14T11:34:28-04:00

The Importance of License Plate Capture Cameras


With the fast advancement in technology and innovation, License Plate Capture Cameras (also referred to as License Plate Recognition abridged as LPR cameras) are dominating the world of video surveillance and captures the numbers and text that make up a license plate of a moving car. These cameras are systematized with software and hardware that works in relation to the weather, speed and headlight glare at night. Important Specification of a License Plate Capture Camera Resolution: The ultimate aim of having a camera is for it to capture quality images that are clear and have details that are readable. The higher [...]

The Importance of License Plate Capture Cameras2019-07-25T18:19:22-04:00

The Importance of an Emergency Evacuation Plan


An evacuation plan is just as important for a business as it is for a home. Anywhere there are people, there must be an emergency evacuation plan. If you do not have one in place, you need to get one immediately. This will save lives. Never underestimate the importance of an evacuation plan. Here you will learn all about why an emergency evacuation plan is so important and tips for creating one. As far as businesses go, the law requires you to have a clear emergency evacuation plan for your business. OSHA states that businesses that have more than 11 employees [...]

The Importance of an Emergency Evacuation Plan2019-01-06T20:02:19-05:00

Why Should a Business Invest in a Video Surveillance System?


As a business leader, you need to do whatever you can to protect your business. You put a lot of time and money in your business, so you want to maximize your profits. Unfortunately, theft can significantly impact your profits and could prove to be disastrous for your business. By having a video surveillance system, you can ensure that your business is completely protected from those who want to make some easy money off of your hard-earned business. This article will take a look at why your business needs to invest in a top-notch video surveillance system. One of the best [...]

Why Should a Business Invest in a Video Surveillance System?2019-01-06T19:57:36-05:00

How to Prevent your Security System from Being Hacked


It’s an unpleasant thought – you’ve just been away on holiday, had a lovely time, and come home to find your house ransacked, your belongings stolen. This is in spite of your security system, in spite of how much money you’ve spent trying to defend your home and deter thieves, but it’s a sad reality for many people.

How to Prevent your Security System from Being Hacked2017-10-11T17:53:30-04:00

Crime Intervention Alarm

1377 Spahn Ave
York, PA 17403

Phone: (717) 846-4004
Email: info@cialarm.com
Web: cialarm.com