What Type of Sprinkler System is Best for My Business?


As a protective measure employed by persons to safeguard themselves when the unforeseen incidence of fire arises and leaves us jaded on what to do, sprinkler systems are one of the most integral components that is installed in a building. This is one of the systems that any business expert should brood on installing in his building, not just for commercial usage, but it could also be used at home too. A sprinkler system is one of the facilities that are critically needed for your business during the course of making your plans and design. We will divulge in detail, a [...]

What Type of Sprinkler System is Best for My Business?2019-08-14T11:35:21-04:00

How to Identify Different Types of Fire Extinguishers


Most times we are puzzled with the identification of fire extinguishers, especially during the frenzy of an emergency. This difficult time may possibly not serve as the appropriate time to figure out the differences of fire extinguishers. That is why it is crucial to be familiarized with fire extinguishers ahead of time, for it provides you the knowledge to protect yourself at times of danger. If proper care is not taken to curb a fire, it could most likely consume an entire property and endanger the persons present at the scene when it started. This circumstance is one reason to be [...]

How to Identify Different Types of Fire Extinguishers2019-06-11T13:27:17-04:00

Fire Safety Do’s and Don’ts


In this article, we aim to share some fire safety tips with you. As children, we were all given instructions to not to play with matches and lighters. We were told that there is always a risk that our clothes will catch fire. At the same time, we were also instructed to call 911 in case of emergencies. These are all some great instructions to follow. However, in the case of fire safety, these are not enough. When it comes to fires, some basic knowledge of the do's and don'ts can save your life and that of your loved ones. Often [...]

Fire Safety Do’s and Don’ts2019-06-11T13:18:37-04:00

Fire Alarm Safety Tips


It’s always a good idea to be prepared because you can never know when something will go wrong. Fire alarm and smoke detectors are there to save your life, so you need to know what to do should something happen. These fire alarm safety tips can make all of the difference in the world when protecting your home. By following this advice, you will be better able to protect your family in case there is a fire in the home. One thing that you should be sure to do regularly is a fire drill. You want to be sure that everyone [...]

Fire Alarm Safety Tips2019-01-06T20:20:24-05:00

The Importance of an Emergency Evacuation Plan


An evacuation plan is just as important for a business as it is for a home. Anywhere there are people, there must be an emergency evacuation plan. If you do not have one in place, you need to get one immediately. This will save lives. Never underestimate the importance of an evacuation plan. Here you will learn all about why an emergency evacuation plan is so important and tips for creating one. As far as businesses go, the law requires you to have a clear emergency evacuation plan for your business. OSHA states that businesses that have more than 11 employees [...]

The Importance of an Emergency Evacuation Plan2019-01-06T20:02:19-05:00

Crime Intervention Alarm

1377 Spahn Ave
York, PA 17403

Phone: (717) 846-4004
Email: info@cialarm.com
Web: cialarm.com